Monday, March 15, 2010

Getting Started with ASP.NET

Trying to find information on our websites is often a frustrating task. I often spend time aggregating information and posting it here. However, multiply this effort by thousands of Microsoft bloggers and it only contributes to the problem.

One of the hardest tasks is trying to find a starting point.  If you’re new to the platform where do you go? Then once you arrive at any number of our sites the real grunt work begins. Change happens over time and I’m glad to say that we’ve redesigned the ASP.NET website.  T

he four large buttons at the top of the home page make it simple:


Click Getting Started and you find 5 choices


Click Number 2 and you can get access to FREE software via the WebsiteSpark Program. Not the “Free” Express Edition, but the full commercial editions.


Options 1, 3, and 4 are self-descriptive, but Option 5 was a task unto itself before they simplified it here.


Hopefully visiting this site will make the process of learning new platforms or just finding the right resources a whole lot simpler.



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