Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Woeful wednesday...

So today was meant to be the first full day of working on my dissertation, and I can say that was a MASSIVE fail. I don’t know what it is, but I’m just rubbish at self driven work loads, thank god I don’t have my own company….. As soon as i get to work, I’m fine, but getting into it is the hard thing. The only significant thing I’ve done today is draw up a table, splitting my days up into hours, for which I’ll tick and put what I’ve done, or shame myself into work with blocks of black, so far mostly black…..

Looking at it now just shames myself, it will hopefully give me the kick up the backside to really get on with it, watch this space! 10+ weeks, 20 hours a week, it does need a lot of work……

Anyway, now for something a bit nicer, my music recommendation for the week. This week the band is Chikinki, you can find them here and here.

“Chikinki – hip slinking frontman Rupert, plus Ed East (guitar), Steve Bond (drums), Boris Exton (synths) and Trevor Wensley (more synths) – certainly wouldn’t be where they are today if they cared about such inconsequential things as names. In the 10 years since they started out, living like Monkees in a shared terrace house in Bristol, these (still) 20-somethings have had much more important things on their minds. Like shaking off every dance-rock/electroclash/indie-disco/new rave tag going to create their own unique brand of “glitch-pop-fuck-noise”. “People have always tried to squeeze us into whatever dance scene is fashionable at the time but we just won’t fit,” smiles Rupert. “We’re not a dance crossover band, we’re a guitar band with synths experimenting in the realms of rock music.”"

The track I’m giving you is called ‘Assassinator 13′ and is taken from their album ‘Lick Your Ticket’ I remember getting this album years ago, as a reward for doing some street teaming, and falling in love with it. It was completely different to the kind of music I heard at the time, and was the spring-board for me to find new and differing styles of music. I recommend you check them out.

Did you hear today about channel 4 losing friends? How are they going to fill up their schedule? Chortle outlines the kinda hours we’re talking about, but I’m sure E4 is going to feel the hit. Please god no more Gilmore Girls…..

Well I’m going to love you and leave you now, had a massive headache all day and I’m now going to surrender to bed. Here’s to a more productive day tomorrow and a win for liverpool tonight :)

bye-bye everyone!


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