Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Facebook Password Reset Confirmation - virus / malware

It’s not bad enough that I received the fake UPS delivery bla bla bla e-mail no less than 5 times in the past 2 weeks. I just received another suspicious e-mail … this time looking like it was from Facebook.

"Dear user of facebook, Because of the measures taken to provide safety to our clients, your password has been changed. You can find your new password in attached document. Thanks, Your Facebook."

Bullsh*t was my first thought. Another attempt to get someone to open a file and run a virus.  The first

red flag was the new password that I did not set. Second, the file attachment … wrong! Third, the

attachment was a zip file … waayy wrong. Fourth, and a big one … the e-mail was sent to the wrong e-mail address. I have more than one e-mail address, and the one that I have my Facebook account with was not the one these clowns sent the bogus e-mail to. Their terminology was a little crazy too (Dear user of Facebook; Your Facebook). If you get a message like the one shown above, DO NOT download/run the file. Delete the e-mail and continue your Facebook communications the same way you always have in the past … with your same old password. It has not changed.

Be sharp. Stay safe.


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