Monday, March 1, 2010

v smart hand held video game World Cinema:: Intolerable Cruelty (Intolerable Cruelty) ",

  • v smart hand held video game

    … Miles Massey (George Clooney) – the most successful Southern California lawyer who specializes in divorce matters. His skill was legendary; ability to juggle words and manipulate people knows no equal, for the sake of victory he did not shrink from nothing, and so far he has not been a single loss in court.

    Miles hires Rex Retrot rich man who divorces his wife Marilyn, beauty (Catherine Zeta-Jones). Although Miles with Marilyn are in different camps, he can not help but admire her beauty and … professionalism. Miles and Marilyn – a kind colleague. Moreover, they are mirror images of each other. She – the so-called gold-diggers, a woman who finds a wealthy bachelor, marries them myself, and then divorced, getting in the end half of their money, according to the laws of California. She has also developed a system of “professional” methods and techniques, it also brilliantly manipulates the people who surround her.

    But, faced with Miles, she suffers first defeat. He arranges for her cunning trap, and Marilyn did not get a divorce without a penny!

    Marilyn Miles vows revenge for his treachery. She is ready to do anything – even out to seduce him, marry me, and then to ridicule before the world in divorce proceedings. Miles, in turn, has reached a stage career, when success is boring, and new peaks, which could be conquered, no longer in sight. The only area remaining for him unconquered – emotions. Professionalism requires dispassion, and all these years, outliving Miles diligently in his soul human feelings. His interest in Marilyns initially fueled by professional curiosity, he saw her equal in power rival, which is interesting to compete. Her motto is “Winning at any cost” reminded him of his own attitude to life.

    Do I have to say that the characters fall in love? Their plans are changing, but by that time events have moved too far, and on the chessboard relations played a complex and dangerous party involving multiple characters, as is usual in Coen films. In the intrigue involved more and more people: soap opera actor Howard Doyle (Billy Bob Thornton), whose Marilyn hired to represent her husband, Donovan Donnelly (Geoffrey Rush), director of the soap opera, which starred Howard, the directors wife (Stacey Travis); as well as small fry, working in the office of Miles and pursuing their own selfish purposes.

    Wins if love greed, cruelty and cynicism? Applies to the romantic comedy, this question seems rhetorical. But as it is the Coen brothers are famous for their love of “black” comedy: their strength – the ability to persuasively convey innocuous at first glance the situation to the extreme. And so with the development of the plot increased degree of passion, and fun duel Miles and Marilyn gradually transforms into a merciless duel, in which all means are good. They crave the blood of each other, and its funny and scary at the same time.


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