Friday, October 9, 2009

EyePhoneNation Underground Hip Hop Rap Message #7 Freestyling Cant Replace Writing

One out of every three underground rappers I meet claim to be so good that they dont have to write, translated that means they have natural talent and have been too lazy/ not dedicated enough for years to take their skills to the next level. Mainstream artist have spread this crazy theory that if your really good you can just freestyle. What mainstream rappers leave out when bragging about freestyling songs is that they have probably been writing songs for years and they can now write in their head so it’s not really freestyle. What’s good about being  unperpared for your job? I have met many underground rappers that can freestyle better than most rappers can write however all their songs sound the same because they are using their brain in emergency mode and the same vibe, style, key words, etc get recycled. I have yet to go to a track meet and see somebody running without shoes because they are so fast they don’t need shoes! People, lets gets serious if we want to be taking seriously!


(support your underground hip hop rap artists)

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