Monday, October 19, 2009

Have a Listen: Acres, Acres

So about a month ago I mentioned Jeremy Warmsley had a new project up his sleeve called Acres, Acres, perhaps you remember? Well, the band is officially a-go and you can sample some of their tunes over on their official myspace.

Acres, Acres isn’t the usual melodious electro-influenced-pop we’ve come to expect from Warmsley, a style that’s truly becomes his own. For now, the synthesizers have been set aside and the guitars have been strapped on. I always find it awkward trying to compare bands to one another in order to describe their sound, since you’d hope they were trying to be creative and original, but for the sake of this ‘Have a Listen’ post, you could describe Acres, Acres as an alt-folk band combining Beach Boys harmonies with Wilco-style americana, except a whole lot catchier and with more pizzazz.

But hey, judge for yourself. The band is giving away a free download of “Diamonds from Coal” via Just enter your email and get your free download.

DOWNLOAD “Diamonds from Coal” or  here@mediafire

Speaking of fun free stuff, you can snag yourself a copy of Warmsley’s 5 Versions EP, comprised of acoustic versions of his personal favorite songs from his first two albums and an ABBA cover, at any of the shows on his upcoming tour or DOWNLOAD IT HERE. Sweet baby jesus, gotta love free goods.

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